Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A bit of Shocking news

I've tried to keep this mostly about drumming, because well that's what it's about.  But sometimes I just have to talk about something else.  So every now and then I will talk about something that is not at all related to drumming and pretend that it is.  This will be one of those times.

Recently I have begun to think that I am becoming a superhero.  You know how all superheroes have origin stories, right?  Spiderman got bit by a spider, Dr. Manhattan got fried in a some kind of a particle physics reactor, etc.  Well I have been getting shocked a lot lately.  And I know what you're saying now - it's winter, the air is dryer, everyone gets shocked!  You must be an idiot!  Well I probably am.  But listen, this is supernatural levels of shocks.  Like, every time I see a metal doorknob I brace for impact.  I went out for a pizza the other day and it was dark at the time (late meal, what can I say).  When I touched the doorknob of the pizza place, I saw a blue spark of lightning shoot from my finger to the door (or maybe the reverse, I forget which way it goes).  It was like this:

At least that's how it felt.  Not only that, but when I got home, I kicked my car door shut (so I wouldn't get shocked), and I got another visible bolt of lightning from the car door THROUGH MY SHOE.  So I know what you're saying now - ok you get shocked a lot, but that's not an origin story, so you can't be a superhero (you're probably not saying that but I know I would be).  And that's where you'd be wrong.  You see, I've been having some problems with my hands lately so I went to the doctor.  Apparently the test for carpal tunnel is SITTING IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR.  I kid, it's more like sticking various parts of your arm in an electrical outlet.  

The point of the story is, I feel like ever since I had that test done, I have been getting shocked more.  That definitely qualifies as an origin story.  So if you see me shooting lightning bolts out of my hand someday (not like this), you will know why.  Also, I haven't decided if I'm going to be a hero or a villain yet, so if you were mean to me in high school, you might want to start praying for hero.  Just sayin'.

And this related to drumming because...umm...I played Ride the Lightning in RB the other day and helped Reuben pass it for the first time on expert guitar.  See, I told you I would make the connection somehow.


  1. Maybe you need more tests so you can work your skills up to Palpatine level.

    What will you call yourself? Redbolt? Shockbeard?

  2. That's a good question. I thought about holding a contest, but my name would just end up being RickBolt or Stephen Colbert Jr or something.

  3. Your name should be The Delivery Man. Then you can say "I have a delivery... FOR YOUR FACE" when you punch bad guys. In the face.

  4. There's a package joke in there somewhere...

  5. When you rescue a damsel in distress, you can say "What can Brown do for you?" and raise an eyebrow suggestively.

  6. Who says I don't already use that as a pickup line?

  7. You can deliver this to damsels, too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhwbxEfy7fg
